Early in the film we see the young Jamal dive into a latrine pit to steal a glimpse at a visiting movie star. How does his single-mindedness to see this movie star reveal his determination? What other examples do you see in the film of his determination?
That was one of the funniest parts of the movie and the only disgusting one I can remember, his determination can be seen becuase not anyone can really throw himself into a latrine pit just to get the autograph of his favorite actor. In this scene we can see that Jamal is a determined person that can really go to extreme decisions when he wants to get something, and gives all he has to get it, and that's some of the things many people today lack when they're trying to achieve their dreams.
Other examples can be, when he looks for his loved one, Latika and gets to see his brother Salim and follows him to his boss house to find out were Latika is. When they escape from where the kids were maked blind to get money. There are various times were Jamal demonstrates his determination and achieves what he desires.
Compare and contrast three pivotal choices or decisions made by Jamal and Salim. How do their choices affect their respective paths in life or “destinies”?
-When Jamal and Salim find out where Latika is. Jamal finds her and wants to leave immediately, but when the guards get in, Salim takes out a gun and shoots to their boss. Then they run.
- When Salim and Jamal as kids are at the pits, Jamal is doing his his needs and Salim leaves him there closed when the Super star is in. Jamal got the autograph and Salim felt jelously. That night, Salim picked up Jamal's autograph and sold it.
-When Salim threatens Jamal with the gun when they are with Latika.
This things and some other do affect their destinies, becuase when Salim sold his brother's autograph he lost some of Jamal's trust and started building his future as someone that acts with lies and betrayal with his close ones. When Salim kills the guy, he lets Jamal see what a real monster he is in reality and to what he can get when he wants something. By contrast, Jamal builds his future in all of his experiences and desitions and makes a better destiny from his own, not like his brother who started a gansta life and by his own hand set his own tomb.
What do you think the film is saying about the globalization of culture through media? We see the game show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” adapted in the Indian culture. Is this a sign of progress? Why or why not? What is this film staying about the effect of money on culture?
Well, it can say many things, like for example the influence a Tv game can have adding contents of such an ancient culture like the indian to it's use. It can be seen as a sign of progress or as a sign of offense to such a conservative culture, in some aspects it do shows progress, becuase it allows "coffee boys" such as Jamal, to get out of the hole and get a better live, even thought it is in a luck game, but it other ways, it can show that there isn't a progress but a salvage attitude becuase when Jamal got to the 6 millions, he was kept as a host by the police only becuase no one apart from him had won that game with such a high quantity. The effect of money on culture is huge, becuase in this days, money keeps a high role in someone's life, and no one is an exception, if you don't have a work, very difficult you have money, and money, is what gives you the role in society, it doesn't matter where you are living.
Good work Leunam. I definately agree with your opinions and thoughts about the media and society and also about the situations in the movie. You only have a few grammar mistakes but they are ok as long as you know how to express and inform everyone with your writing.
ReplyDeleteLeunam, i agree with your last answer, and it is true that money is what give's a person role in society.
ReplyDeleteI liked how you expressed your toughts about those questions, because you gave really good examples.
Amazing way to make a fine redaction partner. Your 3 answers are very well fundamented, and leave me speechless when I try to fnd a contradiction. As for your first question, I must say it was actually very funny... and disgusting at some point. Keep the good work!