We continue with the next assignment team. This time, we change of activity. We must write a story of our own that must complete the following instructions:
-Use at least 5 paragraphs on your story. Use all elements possible from the class.
-You must use logical order (time order, spatial order, etc.) and transitions.
-Write a title to your story.
-Go to http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/? and choose at least 2 pictures. You must relate these pictures in your story, and interweave them if you like (check the professor's blog for more info and the original link).
-You must save these chosen pictures and "add them" on your own post. Do not copy/paste.
-You can comment on someone's story if you like. As always, be respectful or suffer a severe trashing from the team.
-The deadline is Monday, March 23rd at 10:00pm.
That is all you need teammates. As always, check http://awprepauvm.blogspot.com/ for more useful and detailed information. Good luck on your writing!
Hell yeah, Alain.