Monday, March 23, 2009
Gangsta´ Dog
2nd Partial Blog Assignment #3 - Creative Writing
Growing up in a big, industrialized city is always a tough thing to accomplish. And even harder is growing up, and taking the right decisions. There's always an abundance if criminals and gangs in the big city, and some times young people have to work with the wrong people, just to live one more day. And the setting of our story just happens to be one of this cities, a place I'll call Jingle town, in a county I'll call Hopeland. This is a stoy of a young man named Will.
Will and his family lived in a poor neighborhood, in an old house on south Jingletown. He lived with his crack addicted mother and his older brother. He always dreamed of becoming a rich and important arquitect, so he could take his mother out of that house. He was a straight A student at his school, which was something to be proud of, as most kids at his school would pass de C. His older brother was a gang member, but Will knew he wasn't a bad person, he only join the gang so he could protect his mother from the drug dealers.
Will woke up one day and looked around his room. His brother wasn't there... so Will expected the worst scenario. He ran downstairs looking for her mother, to inform her about his brother's disappearance, just to find her passed out on the kitchen floor. And their was his brother, tying to get her into a chair. He looked bad, bruises all over his face, his cloath rip all ripped open, he had a fight list night, that was for sure. After checking his brother didn't had any serious injury, Will prepared himself to go to school.
That day seemed like anyother, everything was normal at school: the gang members were all in the north corner of the school property, the chicanos on the south corner, all the school was divided in different social clasess of their own, as if school was a city of it's own. Will tried it's best not to be included in any of those groups, but still (unoffically an unvoluntarily) a member of the "Nu Black Panthers", a group of black kids who main goal was to cause vandalism in the streets, rather than follow the sociopolitical ideas of the actual Black Panthers. Will felt uneasy with this... as he prefered to study and concentrate on school, rather than going downtown painting walls and stealing public property.
The day went like anyother, up until the last class. Their had been a gang fight in the cafeteria, and peolple was angry at the "NBP", one of the "gangs" involved. But Will wasn't worried... those school fights never go further than a threaten. On his way back home, Will decided to go take the long path. While he was walking, a dark car passed by... Will heard three loud noises coming out of the window of the car... Then he felt a cold sensation through his body... Then, nothing...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Changes With the Time (Assignment #3)

I love the summer, i love the beach, i love surfing. My name is Joe and i'm from Santa Monica and i grew up living in the beach since i was 5 years old. I always loved to help to organize the events, to mantain the beach clean and to cooperate with everything. Something awsome is that all what i did, disappeared, as fast as an adolescent crashes his dad car.
I also was named the Beachking, just because it was my home. When i grew up, at my 19 years, my dad told me that i was my time to leave Santa Monica, and to move to New York. Supposedly, i was going to study on the NY University, and i did it. All that time i didnt have the opportunity to go to my home, to Santa Monica. I had the hope that when i get back, it will be the same thing, as i just left it.
The moment of arriving to the beach came, i just take an airplane and it looked the same. Only my cousin was to receive me, and i asked why he only recieved me, and he said to me that my family was ashamed at what i was going to see and because of it nobody wanted to appear. I was scared, asking myself... What happened?
Then i just wanted to go to the beach, i told my cousin to leave me on the street and he just lef. I walked down to the beach and my surprise was that... there was no beach, ...i mean it was, but, no sand, no more people, just rocks and dirty water.
I asked myself again... what happened here? why is this so ugly?
Disappointed, i just walked to my home, my family had made me a party, everyone said hello, but i was just sad. I felt like if i had missed a part of my body, my arm or a leg. Then i asked them about what happened and they told me that Daniel Trump bought the beach and the city. And i asked them that why they just left him to do that, to finish with the beach, and they just answered me, that, the beach was old, and I was the only one that really matter for the beach.
So I got mad, all those years i spent on NY, thinking about surf and my house, all that hope, just get destroyed.
At last, i might say that 4 years have passed, and i have been going to the beach all the weekends, trying to extract all the garbage by myself, just with the fact of wanting to recover my sport and my life, since without the beach, I am not at all and feel as if I had never had either infancy or life.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Roller-Dog journy, "The story of Ed Hardy"
Hardy now is 19 years old, and he started a professional carrer as a street roller skater, he travels through all the country leaving a new record in every place he stops. But the best experience he had, is the one you'll hear in some moments. It all started a day of may...

It was about time for Hardy's team to continue his way to another part of the country, everything was ready, when Hardy said, "You'll have to wait for me, I want to do a finall ride here", he put his skates and rolled on. Hardy continued all his way up to were he had the encounter with the dog. He got there but the dog wasn't there. Hardy continued his

Something started licking Hardy's face. When Hardy finally recovered conscience he only saw a familiar face. He smiled and tried to get up. He couldn't, his right leg had broke in action. He middle-standed up and stared at the dog, the same dog that earlier he had looked up for, the same dog that several days earlier had barked at him, the same dog that he shouted when he fell had saved his life. He saw the dog and stared at him. Hardy looked in his pocket and he found a GPS. In time of nothing, a helicopter got to the place and got down for Hardy. Hardy asked for the rescue men to take the dog to.
The time for departure had comed but the debt he had with the dog was big, so big, that he decided to change the name of his team to "Dog Ed Hardy Team", the name was somewhat offensive becuase of the word dog, so they decided to name it "Don Ed Hardy Team". Sometime later, Hardy united Christen Audiguer and started a very exitous clothning line, "Don Ed Hardy Design's". Hardy started making a lot of money and started a program for giving shelter to all abandoned dogs in the country, he also donated some money to the development of security in cars, doesn't wants for anyone to suffer and feel what he felt when he losted his brother.
Ever-lasting eternity

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Blog assignment # 3 - Creative writing - 2nd Partial

We continue with the next assignment team. This time, we change of activity. We must write a story of our own that must complete the following instructions:
-Use at least 5 paragraphs on your story. Use all elements possible from the class.
-You must use logical order (time order, spatial order, etc.) and transitions.
-Write a title to your story.
-Go to and choose at least 2 pictures. You must relate these pictures in your story, and interweave them if you like (check the professor's blog for more info and the original link).
-You must save these chosen pictures and "add them" on your own post. Do not copy/paste.
-You can comment on someone's story if you like. As always, be respectful or suffer a severe trashing from the team.
-The deadline is Monday, March 23rd at 10:00pm.
That is all you need teammates. As always, check for more useful and detailed information. Good luck on your writing!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Blog Assignment #2
-tennis shoes
-without strings
Well.. to tie a shoe, is something that every person, at each point need to do by themselves. This essay will show you the correct way of tying them and also how to double-knot your shoes, so, if for any reason you forgot how to tie them, you can check this article and view every step and tie your shoes.
There are different methods, i think there are 3, but i'm going to explain the easist one. Here are the steps, first you need to put your untied shoe onto your foot, after you've already put your sock. Tighten the shoe by pulling on the ends of the strings on the right and left side of the shoe.
Then, here comes the special points that you need to be patient, specially if you have big hands, after the second step, you cross the left and right strings. The left string goes under the right string and is pulled through creating a new right and left end. At this point you need to take the new left and make a loop with it.
The next step is to make a loop out of the new right, and put that loop over the left loop. Then tie them in a knot as done with the strings at the beginning and at last put tightly and you've finished.
At last, if you want to make a double-knot tie, you just need to repeat the last two steps, this is optional but more secure. So that's how you can tie your shoe, the easiest way and if you dont know how, you just need to be patient and practice until you get the perfect tie.
P.s: I know this is not an excuse, but i didnt' have any idea about this assignment, and also i know i'm not the only one that forgot or didnt know about this so i'm sorry about that and, well i dont know, i will check everyday this blog :> or something like that. Thnks!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Blog assignment # 2
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Blog assignment # 2
2nd Partial Blog assignment # 2
--Make all of these steps in a separate post.
1-How to maintain a good relationship with your neighbors.
2-How to be happy in school.
3-How to maintain a good relationship with somebody from another culture.
4-How to make a good impression on a first date.
5-How to cheat on a test.
6-How to complete a homework assignment.
7-How to break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend.
8-How to tie your shoe.
9-How to become the teacher's pet.
10-How to housetrain your dog.
Blog Assignment #2
Song - Lyrics - Theme - Genre - Duration - Instruments - Percussion - Chorus - Verse - Breakdown - Bridge - Solo - Harmony - Beats - Riffs - Melody - Rhyme - Plot - Vocals.
Have you ever wondered how do famous artists or bands come up with those songs? Have you wanted to write one on your own but you dont know how, or you come up with something you don´t like a lot? Keep reading to know how to write a decent song by yourself and maybe someday your song will be on the radio or in thousands of MP3 players. You only need a lot of time and patience.
A song its like a computer or machine. There are no more important things in a song because everything has to be there to work and express the emotion. First you are going to learn about the lyrics. Lyrics of a song are very important because with those you express what you think or feel and you are lets say, like talking to anyone that is listening to your song. Lyrics rhyme and with a rhyme the lyrics flow and everyone goes on. You can try a lot of rhyme combinations and even come up with your own. Sometimes the rhyme its not that important and you have to rely on something else: the melody. Lyrics also have a melody, that is that each word or letter or syllable have a note and duration. You can have the same melody like the instruments or you can have another one. In order to write decent lyrics just sit down and type / write them. The only advice I can give with lyrics is practice and practice and you will come up with something good one day or at your first try.
The next thing you have to do to write a song is to get a rhythm or beat in the drums. Or you can come up with a melody in any instrument and then add the beat that best fits the melody. This step can be the most frustrating, rewarding, difficult and easy step of all. Im telling you that because some days you want to compose a melody and you focus on that and you can spent all the day trying to get something good but you fail. Other days you can just be in your house and then a melody comes to your mind and you go and play it and its done, just like that, magicaly. In this step you really, really need lots of patience.
Once you got your lyrics and your melodies and beats, you can start arranging them. Arranging its not that hard like the previous step but you still need to focus on it. Grab your melodies and start arranging them with the drums. For you to join a melody or guitar riff with another melody you have to make a transition. Just throw a few notes in there and you got your transition or use another melody as a transition. Remember, the beat and melodies have to flow and change; that way the listener wont get bored. Mostly all the songs have verse, chorus, intro , outro, breakdown. But you can arrange them as you wish as long as it sounds good. I´ve made a song without a chorus and the song sounds pretty cool.
After arrenging the only thing you are missing is to record your song. This is another ´´frustrating´´ step in the proccess of writing a song because this step will require lots and lots of time. Doesn´t matter if you are recording in a professional studio or in your little room. With this step you only need to try and try, a lot of different combinations of microphones and once you get what you want just sit and stay in front of your computer for a looong time. There are good recording softwares out there but they are expensive so just download a free one called ´´AUDACITY´´ that can make pretty good recordings. You can mix, equalize, add effects and masterize your tracks and once you are done just export as MP3 and right to your computer.
As you can see, writing a song needs a lot of patience and will. For some people its easy, for some don´t but the clue is that you really want to and that you practice and practice. Dedicate a lot of time to write and compose. Cause in the end, no matter how tired you are, the final product its really amazing and makes you feel good with yourself.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire

The chaos and the constant noise and motion of Mumbai at the center of the film, (supported by a fabulous soundtrack) are contrasted with a deeper silent seeking. Describe what each of the main characters is seeking.
From what i saw, Salim was looking for his brother Jamal, and Jamal was looking for the girl, Latika; and then the soundtrack and the motion in Mumbai appears to give the movie more suspense and to contrast the silent seeking from the characters.
In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes - filling the bathtub with money, etc. Why does he make this choice?
He helped Latika to escape, and then he killed (shot) Javed. After that, he filled the bathtub with money and then he died in that way because he always wanted to die with a lot of money and also he was sad about everything he made to his brother and he wanted to be excused.
This film weaves together nightmare and impossible dream. What do you take away as the most important message or impression from the film?
Each one of us can have a different impression of the film. But, mine was that, we should be proud of everything that we have and the persons we have with us. And also that there is a reason for everything that happens in our lives, and we cannot know what's going to happen next.
And the most important point, that we must not criticize the persons for their appearance, or make them "feel less", because at any moment and any time they can surprise us and be better than we are in different ways.
Slumdog Millionaire
In one pivotal scene, the show’s host tells Jamal his own story about coming from the slums. He then gives Jamal the wrong answer written on the mirror in the rest room. Why did he give Jamal the wrong answer? Because Jamal was winning a lot of money he had more than a million of rupees and the host wanted to make lose Jamal. At that time of the show and movie Jamal was only missing one lifeline the one of calling a friend and the host may also wanted to force Jamal to use that lifeline to end his last hopes. But I think that If I were the host I would have put the right answer and that way Jamal may think that I am putting the wrong answer to make him lose and he would choose another one and he would have lost. Its also to make Jamal more stressed with the situation.
What did Jamal do? He thought that the host gave him the wrong answer and indeed it was. So he chose another answer
Describe how loss, chance, luck, suffering, and street smarts are also characters behind the scenes. The film explores gain and loss side by side. Triumphs are tempered . All those elements need to be in the film because with them the story and plot are extremely affected and also the characters learn and mature in their personalities and also guide them in taking decisions in the story. Without loss, chance, luck and suffering, Jamal wouldn´t have learned all the answers to those questions and won the tv show.
Slumdog Millionarie

Early in the film we see the young Jamal dive into a latrine pit to steal a glimpse at a visiting movie star. How does his single-mindedness to see this movie star reveal his determination? What other examples do you see in the film of his determination?
That was one of the funniest parts of the movie and the only disgusting one I can remember, his determination can be seen becuase not anyone can really throw himself into a latrine pit just to get the autograph of his favorite actor. In this scene we can see that Jamal is a determined person that can really go to extreme decisions when he wants to get something, and gives all he has to get it, and that's some of the things many people today lack when they're trying to achieve their dreams.
Other examples can be, when he looks for his loved one, Latika and gets to see his brother Salim and follows him to his boss house to find out were Latika is. When they escape from where the kids were maked blind to get money. There are various times were Jamal demonstrates his determination and achieves what he desires.
Compare and contrast three pivotal choices or decisions made by Jamal and Salim. How do their choices affect their respective paths in life or “destinies”?
-When Jamal and Salim find out where Latika is. Jamal finds her and wants to leave immediately, but when the guards get in, Salim takes out a gun and shoots to their boss. Then they run.
- When Salim and Jamal as kids are at the pits, Jamal is doing his his needs and Salim leaves him there closed when the Super star is in. Jamal got the autograph and Salim felt jelously. That night, Salim picked up Jamal's autograph and sold it.
-When Salim threatens Jamal with the gun when they are with Latika.
This things and some other do affect their destinies, becuase when Salim sold his brother's autograph he lost some of Jamal's trust and started building his future as someone that acts with lies and betrayal with his close ones. When Salim kills the guy, he lets Jamal see what a real monster he is in reality and to what he can get when he wants something. By contrast, Jamal builds his future in all of his experiences and desitions and makes a better destiny from his own, not like his brother who started a gansta life and by his own hand set his own tomb.
What do you think the film is saying about the globalization of culture through media? We see the game show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” adapted in the Indian culture. Is this a sign of progress? Why or why not? What is this film staying about the effect of money on culture?
Well, it can say many things, like for example the influence a Tv game can have adding contents of such an ancient culture like the indian to it's use. It can be seen as a sign of progress or as a sign of offense to such a conservative culture, in some aspects it do shows progress, becuase it allows "coffee boys" such as Jamal, to get out of the hole and get a better live, even thought it is in a luck game, but it other ways, it can show that there isn't a progress but a salvage attitude becuase when Jamal got to the 6 millions, he was kept as a host by the police only becuase no one apart from him had won that game with such a high quantity. The effect of money on culture is huge, becuase in this days, money keeps a high role in someone's life, and no one is an exception, if you don't have a work, very difficult you have money, and money, is what gives you the role in society, it doesn't matter where you are living.
Slumdog millionaire

In one exchange of dialogue in the film during the interrogation of Jamal, the police inspectors discuss the impossibility of what Jamal knows.
Police Inspector: Doctors... Lawyers... never get past 60 thousand rupees. He's on 6 million. [pause]
Police Inspector: What can our slumdog possibly know?
Jamal Malik: [quietly] The answers.
Discuss the irony in the film that Jamal “knows too much” and is suspected of cheating. Discuss the irony that in the end, his poverty may make him rich. What point is the film making? What is real wealth?
The game show format brings into to focus the culture of meaningless competition. What does the spectacle of the game say about what people value today? What values does the media promote? Are they humanizing values?
Greed, corruption and the misuse of power are highlighted in the film through a variety of characters. How are those who have money and power glamorized in this film? What happens to the victims?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Slumdog millionaire

What does the title mean? How does the title and the contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film?
In the film, the theme of destiny is a central theme. What does it mean that all Jamal desires is just out of his reach? (The prized autograph, Latika, his brother, the answers, etc.)
Is ethical decision making possible when one must make choices based on survival? Do seemingly “bad” choices make a person bad?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Blog assignment # 5 Slumdog Millionaire

We continue with our next assignment, team. We did well on the last assignment, but don't lose the technique. As for this assignment, we will have to answer individually some assigned questions from the link provided below. I have already chosen the questions each one of you will answer. Here is how you must do it:
-Make a new post with the title "Slumdog millionaire"
-Your answers must be complete. Without mistakes and uncomplete fundaments.
-Make your answer as most formulated as you can.
-In the comments section of the post, you must make your writing referring to the answer of your teammate. It can be either to agree or disagree of the answer. Make a good basis. A good one.
Erick P. : 1st, 3rd and 5th questions.
Leunam: 2nd, 4th and 6th questions.
Alain: 7-9th questions.
Pablo: 10th and 11th questions.
Marcos: Last 3 questions.
That is all you must do. Its incredibly easy, so please, make no excuses. Below are the links you might need. The last one being the questionaire.
Have a good day team. Prem Kumar is waiting for your answers.