Im stucked at a road... with nowhere to go, I'm cold, I'm scared and don't know what should I do. I remember the fist thing I did today, which was helping my father collect the crops. But then everything turned blurry. I must have spend 3 hours working and then I must have gone home. But I can't recall what happened next. I just woke up on this road with nothing but my cloaths. By the position of the sun, I can say it's almost midday, which is weird because I started working at 11:30 a.m. Did it alreay passed a day ? two ? Who knew... I am stucked here alone in a road.
Is this the work of the landlord's man? I remember they had gone home to ask for the rent to my father before, but this time, he seemed really upset. He said that during their visit, they threatened him if he didn't payed on time. I suddenly recalled everything that had happened to me. I was kidnnaped at the field while I came home by the landlord's man. They hit me in the head really hard an I passed out in pain. A moment later, they carried me to their car and took me far away. Then they threw me in this road... I finally remember what happened... I just don't know where am I...
Good job Erick. Your story had a nice plot and good grammar. I hardly noticed gramatical and spelling errors in your text. However, I think you mistook what a conclusive sentece is. A conclusive sentence is the sentence that summarizes the paragraph's idea. Not the last sentence. Anyway, I'm sure you weren't the only one, and at least you marked the topics of your paragraphs, so.... Nice job!