It was the first day of vacations, little boy Armani was walking when he suddenly watched it for the very first time, it was what he had been looking for, a white hat, with different colored stripes in the bottom, it was perfect, after he saw it, he went and asked for the price. The hat was really expensive, it was worth 50.99 dlrs and for little boy Armani, that was a high sum. Little boy Armani resigned and promised himself not to return back until he had the money to buy that hat.
The years passed, and Armani had invented the cloth company, Armani Outfitters, an enterprise such famous that got millions and millions the day, that day, Armani went back to that store, and asked for that hat. He was tolded that the hat was sold several years ago to a wealthy man of the town, Armani walked back and go out of the store. Then, after hearing the notice, he went to the old man's house, where he espected to see the hat again. When he got there, he saddened again when he knew that the hat had been sold to a collectionist in france about 2 weeks ago. Armani declared himself as unlucky. Before Armani left, the old man told him, that the hat would be subastated next week in a nearby city. Armani got happy at that moment and left. The next week, Armani was at the auction but didn't offer anything, he waited and waited, until the hat touched the light, the auction started with 1,000,000., Armani took the front edge and offered 20,000,000 from the beginning, he thought he had won but a man suddenly doubled the offer, Armani did the same until the auction was overpassing the 500,000,000 dlrs. Everyone didn't knew what to expect, both we're gonna give it all for that hat. A moment later, the other man offered the last auction, 999,999,999 dlrs, Armani opened wide his eyes, he didn't knew what to do but saw the relief sight in the other man, so he increesed the auction by one, the other man was in a completely bancrupt. SOLDED saided the man. Armani cried of the emotion, standed up, glanced at the people, took his price, and got out of there.
They have passed 2 years since that, Armani stills has the hat, but he never weared it, he placed the hat in a crystal container, where it is right now, as you can see in the photo.
This is a real story, it happened to the friend of the boyfriend of the cousin of my mother.
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