Team, this is our first partial assignment. Check http://awprepauvm.blogspot.com/ for more information.
Here are the topics each one of you chose. You cannot switch theme:
-Leunam Duarte #1: The career I want to study.
-Marcos Quijada #5: Why many teenagers don't read the newspaper.
-Pablo Gastelum #7: Music videos.
-Alain Jiménez #9: How to resolve an argument peacefully.
-Erick Pasten #10: An important film.
Remember, your prewriting has to be written as a commentary for this section. Also, DO NOT FORGET TO COMMENT ON AT LEAST 2 OF YOUR TEAMMATES PREWRITINGS. Your comment must be a helpful one. I may consider the possiblility of erasing a bad comment. Be creative, and remember: after this, you still have to do your essay on your own for thursday 26 2009!
Do not make any mistakes! Consecuences shall be strict this time!
ReplyDelete-Relationships -Leadership
-Opinion -Emotions
-Differences -Respect
-Acceptance -Obligations
-Tolerance -Knowledge
-Disrespect -Situation
-Worst topic -Probabilities
-Best topic -Proof
When someone makes a comment, that person is issued and marked as to receive any sort of critic. However, conditions vary with the different qualities present on the debate. For example, if we are to discuss of something, we have to get a nice knowledge of it. The wider, the better, since they are helpful for telling proofs to the contrincant. Also, if the topic is really deep or strong, then get ready for some serious and painful debate. Always take as an acceptance what others say. The worst way to end a discussion is by accepting the other person to be a total ignorant of what you say is right. That is usually right, but it is never good to say that you are absolutely right. Chances happen, remember that. As for more... crucial conditions, we have to consider the circumstances and emotions of that person. Sometimes, in a debate, we get so ofended of a certain topic, that our instant solution is to block our heads and pretend we don't listen. Worst error. Doing that will only transmit the anger to the other person, and things might get bad afterwards. For last, always acknowledge the person you're talking with. If you know how he reacts to certain topics, but stay yourself tolerant with that person, then, you will prove to be in some way wiser than the other person you'er talking with. If both express tolerance, no matter what opinion they have, the conclusion is surely to be a pacific one.
Director-Type of Video
It all started with ´´Video Killed the Radio Star´´ as the first music video broadcasted through MTV. Then all the bands and artists started making their own ones. A music video can have it´s own plot, like a little story with the song in the background. Or it can just show the band performing in a stage or show the recording of a concert of themselves. The video has to have a director and it can also be very creative like a cartoon or stop-motion video. Music videos are very short in duration sometimes with arrangements to the songs to make it shorter. At the beginnning it shows the title of the song, the artist, CD, and sometimes its Record Label and Director of the video. Music videos continue expanding today and they are seen everyday in television or in concerts where artist use projectors to project the video of their song while they are also performing.
ReplyDelete- Science fiction
- C3PO - R2D2
- Skywalker - Darth Vader
- The Force - Lightsaber
- Prequel Trilogy - Original Trilogy
- Dark Side - Space Opera
- John Williams - Space
- Starships - Droids
- Jedi - Death Star
- 70's
It's 1977, and people just keep talking about this new thing... this "Star wars" movie. What many people imagine would be just another science fiction movie, turned to be one of the most important and influential pieces in years. The convination of spiritualism, drama, comedy, action and romance is what made the movie the most appealing. Produced with a budget of $11,000,000 and released on May 25, 1977, the film went on to earn $460 million in the United States. The movie was awarded with with alot of prices and nominations.
The movie changed the face of science fictio. It also helped to bring classic music back as movie scores. John William's music is one of the many trademarks the movie has. Inspired by japanease samurai films, the movie combines action, drama and spiritualism with old american western flicks.
Also, the movie was a breaktrough on special effects. Alot of new techiques were used during the making of the movie.
Concepts like "the Force", "lightsabers", "Darth Vader", "Dark Side" and "Jedi", have all become part of the world's pop culture.
The last "original trilogy" movie was released on 1983.
On 1999, the saga was brought again to live, with the release of "The Phantom Menace". The last chapter of the "Prequel trigloy" was "The Revange of the Sith" which was released on 2005.
It made new fans and made the old fan's fantasys come true.
That's why I think Star Wars is one of the most important movies in history.
Why Many Teenagers don’t read the newspaper.
ReplyDeleteAsking Questions:
Why teenagers hate to read the newspapers?
What other things they can read?
Who must tell them to read them?
Where should they read them?
When should they read them?
How important is to read the newspaper?
Why many teenagers dont read the newspaper... what a good question, well i have various toughs or opinions about that.
First of all, newspapers in our life are a very important way of knowing and looking about what’s happening in our world, our state, our city. But I think that teenagers don’t like to read them for some reasons:
The first one is because is boring, as easy as that, boring, and they don’t have the interest they should. The second one, its linked with the first one, but, I think they don’t read them because they think is a waste of time, just because there are the same news or the same information, all about government, politics, crimes, and all that stuff that only show how bad our world is turning to.
I think they don’t like newspapers because of that, and some parents can say that is good that teenagers don’t read it because of the information it shows and because they should not know about all that stuff, they just need to live their life in peace and not worrying for politic problems and crimes and because the only thing they can win if they read them is having fear of growing up and waiting to the moment of living that problems and to affect them, yeah affect them, other point I think they don’t read them, because the information or news, don’t affect them, as simply as that.
But I’m not saying that all teenagers don’t read them, some of them like to know more about what’s happening. For me, its ok to read it, just if I want to know or gain some information about a subject or a specific topic, but its boring to read it daily.
Other teenagers don’t like to read newspapers but they read magazines, or books that they show information that teenagers like, and they entertain us.
So… last, I think teenagers should read at least twice on a week the newspaper or magazines just for gaining information and having a little bit of experiences but not daily because it can affect their way of thinking and affect in other ways.
Pablo Gastelum: i think you need to be more specific at the momment of explaining your topic, and also, you only put the history of the music videos, you didnt use the ideas you had on your brainstorming.
Erick Manuel: you did a great job, i think you need to be more careful on writing because "you ate some letters", but the rest is good, is interesting and i like it.
Marcos: Your writing is certainly interesting. you made a few mistakes, but they're not very noticeable. As a small suggestion, you can probably write about how men/women actually have the interest later of buying the newspaper. Just a curious question. Well done anyways.
ReplyDeleteErick P.: I like your thesis, but definetly some very noticeable mistakes. Be more calm when you write. As a contribution... I would like you to write more about the new series they are developing and the merchandise they use since, personally, its becoming an abuse. Yet, its up to you, of course.
Pablo: Very good prewriting, but not very complete. Perhaps you can write about the best music videos shown since then? Also, very good work on your spelling. I didn't notice a single one. Keep it up.
i'll start by responding to alain
ReplyDeletewell... its a freewriting... which means it doesn't have to be perfectly written
second, here is my thesis statement:
"Star Wars movie is one of the most successful films of all time and is generally considered one of the most influential as well."
Alain: I wouldn't change anything... I would maybe just check for grammar errors that's all.
Gastelum: You can improve your paragraph by adding more information about the history of music videos. For example, you can talk about "Bohemian Rhapsody"'s music video, which was groundbreaking at the moment of its release. Just try to put a little more effort.