Ok team! We have a new assignment to accomplish. We need to choose one of these 4 pictures and make from it a 3 paragraph or more story. Each one of you must choose a different picture, except for 2 who will share a picture but relate a different story (since we are 5 members and 4 pictures). YOUR STORY HAS TO BE WRITTEN IN THE COMMENTS SECTION ATTACHED IN THIS POST, AND YOU MUST WRITE THE PICTURE YOU CHOSE (THE TOP IS 1ST AND LAST IS 4TH). After al least 2 stories are finished, you must pick those stories and individually write a comment, question or observation from it. Write the comment in the same comments section of this post. If you want, you can wait until more stories get published, which is the best option. I wish you the best of luck, don't be shy and use a dictionary if neccesary. Have a good time!
For more information, click the following link: http://awprepauvm.blogspot.com/
I choose the pic # 3..
Once upon a time, there was young boy named Budy. He was from Squareland. One day, his father told him that he and the rest of his family were moving to an other state because his chief was going to fire him and the only place that he might find the same job was in Circle City.
The day was on, they moved to Circle City and Budy was a little bit scared and also sad. His mother showed him his new school, the UCF (University of the Circle of Figureland). He went to his first day of classes and was hoping to find any 'Squarehead' or at least a 'Rhombushead' but no, there were only Circleheads and they were looking at him with a strange and ugly face.
Budy felt very alone, and 4 guys (Bob,Blory,Bond and Bony)started to socializate with him, or at least it seemed like they were.
They were just making fun of his square head, they invited him to join the football team but the uniform couldnt enter on him because of his big head. In his class, he had to sit on the last row because everyone were screaming at him to put his head down or something like that.
Budy thought that if that day couldnt become worst. Then Blory sat with him and told him that it was just a joke, that he shouldnt feel bad just because his head. Then Bob said that Budy should be happy because he was treated like an other Circlehead, because they always do to the 'news' the 'joke played on the apprentices' so that mean that if they had seen him like a stange guy, they wouldnt do that joke and never talked to him.
Ultimately the boys took a photo and showed that they all are equal and it is not necessary to feel badly for being different physically or for having a square head.
THE END..... =)
I chose pic # 4 (last one)
ReplyDeleteOne day, our little friend, Yusei, got back from school, he was already a univeristy student, and today's classes we're only of math, chemistry and physics, he got home all tired and just throw himself to bed, he tried, and tried, and tried but he could not found sleep.
After some few minutes past by, Yusei lay mouth-up in the bed and start observing his room. He saw, and saw things in his room and compared them with some chemistry, math and physics knowledge and started seeing all that was around him in very different perspectives.
Yusei, at last, find out that all what he saw in class was similar to all daily life objects he saw. At the next day, Yusei changed his assigned class and pick up a new career, Quantic Physician.
And that's the story of how a simple day of thinking changed the life of Yusei, this is a real story, it happened to the friend of a cousin of his friend.
-Leunam Duarte-
I chose pic # 2
Young Ron had nothing to do on a Christmas morning. His 3-days old presents laid under the tree full of crystal decorations. They were only his, but Ron didn't bother to open them. Instead, he kept going to the frozen garden wearing only his cotton pajamas.
Ron saw the snow everywhere in his garden. The trees were completely covered of it, the fountain in the middle was full of it all way to the top. The toys he had left there were unrecognizeable for him, and what was worse, was the fact some of them seemed to be missing. Ron didn't care at all.
After seeing the snow for quite some time, he remembered a morning in school where several kids were enjoying themselves in recess, playing snow fights, making snow forts, kids calling every girl and boy member of the team to the position of the leader. He felt grumpy when he remembered everything. What no one saw, was a tall girl, who was making a snowman. She was the only one who had no partners, and was wistfully making a tiny one with the snow she could gather.
Ron disliked lonely people. They remembered him in some way, at least after class was finished. Then, Ron had an idea, and started running skillfully through the hall and all the way to the entrance of his house, puffing forward in direction of his school. He had even forgotten he was wearing only his pajamas, but that didn't stop him.
A few hours later, a tall girl was jumping the fence of the school, wearing in one hand a long and purple scarf. As soon as she turned the corner, she saw a tall snowman whose head was placed on the floor. There were marks that whoever did the snowman had trouble on shaping the upper body of the snowman, but nonetheless, was made very carefully. The buttons of the headless snowman were very round-shaped pebbles, the smile done by scarving the snow in a wide U, and the eyes made by a pair pebbles smaller than the button ones. A thick branch was placed between the nose, with a few blood sprinkles on the sharp edges.
The tall girl got surprised of seeing a snowman being placed close to where she used to be every recess, where she made wistfully perfectly made snowmans. Not perfectly because of willpower, but because she was already used of it. The tall girl didn't hesitate her will to make another snowman, and finished making one very close to the snowman left in her play-zone.
Ron returned to school several days later, and saw in the bulletin board of his school a very unfamiliar but recognizeable element in the picture. It was a photo of his snowman, with the head now placed in the top of the body, and the body being very close to another perfectly made one. Standing now alone in the hall, he also saw a purple scarf tied to the neck of both snowmans, and a short message written in the floor in front of them.
Ron arrived late to his class, but only the professor seemed to notice. Sitting on his usual desk, he couldn't help but keep a tiny smile in all the class until recess. After 1st half had finished, Ron walked with hands on his sweater pockets to the play-zone where he made his snowman, and saw a tall girl picking a purple scarf placed on the floor. When she turned to look back, Ron made his first in life, warm smile.
ReplyDeleteI really liked his story. Though basic, it tells the common stories of the students that have problems on making friends when being new in school, especially those with shyness or a particular emotional or physical problem. The ending is the best one a kid and a human can have.
Leunam's story: A time to think:
It makes a good interpretation of a square. Many thought it was a box, but he thought in a different way and made a basic but nice story. The last paragraph says a lot of what he used to watch on tv before.
Here are my comments of Leunam's story and Alain's one.:
ReplyDeleteLeunam's: i think that his history was the most mature of the 3 already posted here haha!, because he focused on school subjects and as Alain said, he created something different with the square that everyone thought it was a box.
Alain's: I liked this story because of the snow hahah!, it was very long but also very entertaining and the way it developed for me was interesting.
Pic #1
ReplyDeleteRise Against
It's 2090, and the world doen't look a bit like it used to. Great changes have been made in the world, "good" changes. You could call this new world a utopian world. Rascism and sexism are considered archaic termns which don't have any relevance anymore.
But in reality, this peaceful world is rotten inside. Their is no such things as free thinking, no right for free exprecion, no free will... Everything is controlled by "the party". The party has been the main political power for many decades and is in charge of most of the worlds govenmentes. People are divided in two: those who think the partys ideals are for a greater good and that any sacrifice is good enough to keep peace, and those who thinks that sacrificing free will to keep peace is just a disguise for slavery. Of course the latter ones have to keep it in secret, as it would be considered a thinkcrime by the government and could be arrested or killed.
So people continue to live their life, pretending to like each others, pretending that there is no hate in the world. But the truth is... everybody at this point is dead inside, consumed by the rage in their hearts. The few who are still alive can't do a thing... only wait for the moment when they can raise from their knees and take the power back. But that seems like a really small possibility... which may never happen...
Meanwhile, poeple continue to have their collective morning workout, where everybody excercises "happily"...
- Erick M. P. Rozo -
Here are my comments of Leunam's story and Marcos' one.:
ReplyDeleteLeunam's: Really didn't like the story that much... to simple for me... Do you really think that by observing your own room you can get intersted in Quantum Phsysics ?
Marcos': I liked Marcos' story a bit more, because i think it takes a more realistic look of the world. I kind of felt that way (well... i kind of still feel the same). Maybe I liked this story a bit more because its one I can relate to...